
Custom Power Supplies

How to Build Custom Power Supplies

If you are an engineer or anyone who needs custom power supplies in accordance with appropriate requirements. Currently, it can be done easily. Use the “Build it” which is a feature in the software WEBENCH from National Semiconductor.

You just choose to order a power supply kit is fully assembled or custom, and tested boards matching your exact requirements. You can shave time from your design cycle simply by using this innovative service in building custom power suplies.

In building your custom power supplies will be difficult to trace to find the parts such as power inductors and tantalum capacitors. Conversely, an engineer just entering credit card numbers, the National and their partners are doing all the work.

Custom Power Supples-with WEBENCH Power Designer

WEBENCH environment provides the power of end-to-end design and supply of prototype tools you need to create a custom power supplies or DC-DC converter that meets the requirements of power supply of your design. The WEBENCH Tools allows designers to solve the problem of switching power supply design before prototypes are built, reducing the time and problems associated with traditional power supply design methods.

WEBENCH Toolset can also be used as a selection device to find the best switching regulator or MOSFET controller to your application or solution to power supply. Many new parts are fully supported such as Simple Switcher LMZ Power Modules, LM2267x, LM2268x and LM315x Regulator and MOSFET Controller.

You mat interested in reading my other guides on Auto Battery Chargers Circuit and LM317 Voltage Regulator.


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